Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Traveling Muse


Well, it has been awhile since I last posted something, and I have to admit it has been a few days since I last put words on paper toward my latest writing project.

It isn't that my Muse has abandonded me, it's just that many other things seem to get in my way. I just recently "retired" and getting used to a new routine is difficult. I still haven't convinced myself that I really don't need to get it all done in one day anymore.

Our place in the Texas Hill Country is green and growing and beautiful and I spent two entire days just sitting on my patio reading a book, and wishing, of course, that I, too, had a book published and in someone's hands.

Recently, I heard a great motivational comment by Oprah. "The Universe is waiting for you." I think that is true. If we just sit and wish, our dreams will never come true, and the Universe will never even know we're there. muse and I must get back to work. The ideas haven't deserted me, just the drive to get them onto paper.

I think I'll see if I can rouse her up this evening and move forward on a project, any project.

And, please check out Humble Fiction Cafe's blog at We are having our first ever contest - giving away a copy of our book Split and a wonderful Split candle. (It smells soooo good!) Check it out, enter and you might be the winner.

Until next time.


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